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Contributions to Dribia libraries are always welcome!


dbt2pdf is officially maintained by Dribia Code -


Questions, feature requests and bug reports are all welcome as discussions or issues.

Please note which version of the library are you using whenever reporting a bug.

python -c "import dbt2pdf; print(dbt2pdf.__version__)"

It would be very useful too to know which OS and Python version are your running dbt2pdf from.


In order to contribute, the first step is to clone yourself the code: repository:

git clone

Poetry is the best way to interact with this project, to install it, follow the official Poetry installation guide. With poetry installed, one can install the project dependencies with:

poetry install

Now you should be ready to start coding and prepare your pull request.


Please, make sure to run:

  1. The project unit tests
    make test-unit
  2. The linters (ruff and mypy):
    make lint
  3. Apply all code formatting:
    make format

before submitting your pull request.

Happy coding! 🎉