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Libpostal is a C library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world using statistical NLP and open data. It has officially supported Python bindings in the PyPostal library. However, a common alternative is to run Libpostal as a REST service and query it to obtain the desired results, e.g. using the Pelias Libpostal REST service.

Pelias Libpostal Service🔗

One of the best backed Libpostal services is the one that comes with Pelias. One can run the service using Docker with the following command:

docker run -d -p 4400:4400 pelias/libpostal-service


The command above will be pulling the libpostal-service Docker image from Pelias and running a container that will serve the Libpostal REST service through its port 4400.

  • With option -p 4400:4400 we are mapping port 4400 in the docker container to port 4400 in the docker host, i.e. your computer. You could map it to another port of the host, e.g. the 8080, changing 4400:4400 for 8080:4400.
  • With option -d we are running the docker container in detached mode, i.e. in the background.


DriPostal allows us to query the two methods offered by Libpostal, namely:

  • Parse: Parse a string containing an address to label its parts.
  • Expand: Normalize a string containing an address to its standard form.

The main object to use is the DriPostal class, which has interface methods to query such endpoints.

To initialize the DriPostal class, one should provide the URL of the service. For instance, if you have used the command above to run the Pelias Libpostal REST service in your computer, you should initialize the class as follows:

from dripostal import DriPostal

dripostal = DriPostal(url="")

Now, with the dripostal object, you can make any query to both the parse and expand endpoints.


There is also a mirror asynchronous client providing the same interface in the dripostal.aio module.