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Methods regarding authorization and access are described in the Authorization page.


Most methods return custom pydantic objects. See for details.


Obtain information about the user's account.

Returns an Account object.


Obtain information about all employees: previously terminated, currently active and future hirings, from all locations.

Returns a list of Employee objects.


Obtain information about a single employee.

Returns a single Employee object.


Obtain information about all shifts: from all employees, from all times.

Results can be filtered for a specific month with the arguments year and month. Both arguments must be provided in order to filter the results. Indicating only the year has no filtering effect.

Results can also be filtered for a specific employee with the argument employee_id.

Returns a list of Shift objects.


Create a new shift for a given employee_id with a given clock-in time now.

Returns a single Shift object.


You can't create a new shift if there is still an open shift that hasn't been clocked-out (see Shift restrictions for details).


Update an open shift for a given employee_id with a given clock-out time now.

Returns a single Shift object.


You can't clock-out a shift that hasn't been clocked-out (see Shift restrictions for details).


Obtain information about all leaves: from all employees, from all times.

Results can be filtered starting from a specific start date and/or ending at a specific end date (both dates are included in the filter, see note).

Results can also be filtered for a specific employee with the argument employee_id.

Returns a list of Leave objects.


Leaves that correspond to full days (half_day=None) have a start_on date and a finish_on date.

Leaves that correspond to half days can be either mornings (half_day="beggining_of_day", note the typo!) or afternoons (half_day="end_of_day").


When filtering with start and/or end dates, the filter returns all leaves that have at least one day in the interval. For example, a leave that starts on 01/12/2021 and finishes on 05/12/2021 will be included if we filter with start=03/12/2021.


Obtain information about all company holidays: from all locations, from all times.

Results can be filtered starting from a specific start date and/or ending at a specific end date (both dates are included in the filter).

Returns a list of Holiday objects.


All holidays correspond to a single date.

Holidays that correspond to half days can be either mornings (half_day="beggining_of_day", note the typo!) or afternoons (half_day="end_of_day").


Obtain information about all days off (holidays and leaves) from a given employee_id. Only leaves with approved=True are included.

Results can be filtered starting from a specific start date and/or ending at a specific end date (both dates are included in the filter).

Results can also be filtered in order to include weekend days with include_weekends=True.

Returns a tuple of 3 objects:

  1. A list of date objects corresponding to full days off.
  2. A list of date objects corresponding to mornings off.
  3. A list of date objects corresponding to afternoons off.