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Create a new application🔗

In order to use the Factorial API you need a custom Oauth application.

You can manage your applications at the corresponding dashboard. You must log in as admin to access this dashboard (in principle).


If you are creating a new application and are unsure about the settings, use the suggested Redirect URI and check the Confidential box.


Once you have created your application, keep the client_id, client_secret and redirect_uri nearby.

Authorize your user for using the application🔗

Before a user can use the application we must grant them authorization.

  1. Instantiate the Factorial class with a dummy access_token (we don't have one).
    dummy_factorial = Factorial(access_token="abc")
  2. Call the authorize method with the client_id and redirect_uri that your stored previously. The optional scope argument can be read, write or read+write (these values are self-explicatory), and defaults to the latter.
  3. The console will show a link.
  4. The user must copy this link into a browser.
  5. After logging in with their Factorial user, the browser will show an authorization_key.


Keep this authorization_key nearby.

Obtain your first access token🔗

Finally we can obtain our first access token.

  1. Call the obtain_access_token method with the client_id, client_secret and redirect_uri from the first step and the authorization_key from the second step.
    token = dummy_factorial.obtain_access_token(
  2. This will return a Token object.


It is super important to store this token data in a secure location! Besides the obvious token.access_token that we will use to access the API, the attribute token.refresh_token will be needed when the token expires.

  1. Finally we instantiate the Factorial class with a valid access_token.
    factorial = Factorial(access_token=token.access_token)


All tokens have a lifetime of 7 days, afterwards they expire.


If you call the obtain_access_token again, with the same arguments and before the token expires, you will obtain exactly the same token (with the same expiry date).


You can authorize the same user with different scopes (read, write or read+write), each will need its own access token.

Refresh your access token🔗

After you token expires you must refresh it.

  1. Call the refresh_access_token with the client_id and client_secret from the first step and the refresh_token that you stored from the previous step.
    token = factorial.refresh_access_token(
  2. This will return a Token object.


Guard this new token data in a secure location! It provides a new token.access_token and also a new token.refresh_token for future refreshments.