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The dbt2pdf package provides a command-line interface (CLI) to convert dbt models to PDF files.

To view the available commands and full usage documentation, run:

dbt2pdf --help

To view a given command usage documentation, the help flag can be used:

dbt2pdf <command> --help

The only command available is generate, which converts dbt models to PDF files.

Generate PDF files📎

To generate PDF files from dbt models, you can use the generate command:

dbt2pdf generate


There is a required argument which is the destination path to save the PDF files:

dbt2pdf generate path/to/save/output.pdf

There are many options available to customize the PDF files generated. The following sections describe the available options.

Define the dbt manifest file path📎


This is a required option. If not provided, the command will fail.

To define the dbt manifest file path, you can use the manifest-path option:

dbt2pdf generate \
  --manifest-path "path/to/manifest.json" \

Set title for the PDF📎

To set the title for the PDF, you can use the title option:

dbt2pdf generate \
  --manifest-path "path/to/manifest.json" \
  --title "My Title for dbt Documentation" \


The default title is "DBT Documentation".

Add authors📎

To add authors to the documentation, you can use the add-author option:

dbt2pdf generate \
  --manifest-path "path/to/manifest.json" \
  --add-author "Jane Doe <>" \

You can add multiple authors by using the add-author option multiple times:

dbt2pdf generate \
  --manifest-path "path/to/manifest.json" \
  --add-author "Jane Doe <>"
  --add-author "John Doe <>"

Include macros in the documentation📎

To include macros in the documentation, you can use the add-macros-package option:

dbt2pdf generate \
  --manifest-path "path/to/manifest.json" \
  --add-macros-package "my_macros" \

Include logos📎

It is possible to include up to two logos in the documentation. To include a logo, you can use the add-logo option:

dbt2pdf generate \
  --manifest-path "path/to/manifest.json" \
  --add-logo "path/to/logo.png" \

To include a second logo, you can use the add-logo option multiple times:

dbt2pdf generate \
  --manifest-path "path/to/manifest.json" \
  --add-logo "path/to/logo1.png" \
  --add-logo "path/to/logo2.png" \


There is a maximum of two logos that can be included. The first one in the command line will be bigger and displayed on top of the title page, whereas the second one will be smaller and displayed under the title on the title page.

Customize font📎

To customize the font used in the documentation, you can use the font-family option:

dbt2pdf generate \
  --manifest-path "path/to/manifest.json" \
  --font-family "Roboto"


The font must be installed on the system. If the font is not installed, the default font will be used. The font also has to have a Regular style. If not, the default font will be used.